Thursday, February 23, 2012


  Walmart is not a place I shopped at in California.   Personally, I prefer to spend my money on food at farmers’ markets and independent grocery stores.  I know that lots of people in the U.S. shop at Walmart, seeking out low prices and the convenience of everything (or almost everything) being in one place.  I also know that Walmart is now the largest retailer in the world.  
  The Walmart in Las Cascadas in San Salvador is a busy place.  The few times I’ve been there I saw many Salvadorenan families doing their weekly shopping.  They have a big grocery section offering competitive prices (compared to the Super Selectos grocery chain) and even offer some organic vegetables from a cooperative in Northern El Salvador called “Productores Organicos”. 
  I’m curious to see how Walmart as an international company will change and grow over time.  They have been under scrutiny in the U.S. for gender discrimination and low pay wages. They were also accused of selling organic vegetables that weren’t actually organic.  Being as large as they are, they have a lot of influence, both good and bad, within the food industry.  I’d like to think there’s room in the market for everyone, big and small alike. We shall see.  Nevertheless, I plan to continue to seek out the small stores and markets that have a lot more to offer than just low prices.
  Yo no fui a Walmart en California.  A mi me prefiero gastar mi dinero en los mercados agricolas y tiendas independientes.  Se que mucha gente hacer compras en Walmart en los estados unidos, buscando precios bajos y la conveniencia de encontrar todo (o casi todo) en un solo lugar.  Tambien se que Walmart es ahora el mas grande revendedor en el mundo.
  El Walmart en las Cascadas en San Salvador es un lugar muy concurrido.  Las pocas veces que he estado alli vi muchas familias salvadoreñas haciendo sus compras semanales.  Tienen una seccion de comestibles grandes e incluso ofrecen algunos vegetales organicos producidos por la Cooperativa “Productores Organicos” en Los Planes, La Palma, Chalatenango. 
  Tengo curiosidad de ver como Walmart, una empresa internacional, va a cambiar y crecer con el tiempo.  Ellos son tan grandes y tienen mucha influencia, mala y buena, adentro de la industria de comida.  Me gustaria pensar que haya espacio para todos, grande y pequeno.  Vamos a ver.  Sin embargo, voy a continuar buscando tiendas y mercados pequenos que tienen mucho mas a ofrecer que solo precios bajos.


  1. I love reading your blog! Keep it up =) You are missed


  2. Thanks Serra! It's so nice to have a place to be creative and share my experience at the same time. Zaira

  3. I confess - when we were living way up north in Chalatenango, I missed "hard cheeses" so the precursor to Walmart - called "Hiperpais" at the time, was a blessing, we went once a month. Now I can almost 'give up' the American cheeses and enjoy Queso Majado sprinkled over beans. Thanks for the post.
