Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MAG Farmer’s Market and feeling at home, El agro-mercado de MAG y sintiendome en casa

  This weekly farmer’s market in Santa Tecla is a delight.  Every Thursday morning from approximately 7:00-1:00 the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock hosts this friendly market filled with fruits and vegetables, flowers, plants, honey, meat, jams, seafood, pupusas, atoles, and more. The farmers display their goods in large baskets lined with big green leaves.  The presentation is charming.  How wonderful it is to talk to the actual people growing the food you choose.  I wish I had found this market sooner!  The prices are good and the calm energy that pervades the place makes me feel at home.  I find myself wanting to buy everything but am limited by my two hands.  Thursdays are now special days for the rest of my time here thanks to MAG.

  El mercado del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería es algo muy especial.  Cada jueves la mañana está llena de frutas, verduras, miel, flores, plantas, carne, pescado, pasteles, dulces, atoles, pupusas, y mucho más.  Todos los productos son de El Salvador y hechos o cultivados por las manos de las personas vendiéndolos.  El mercado tiene la sensación de seguridad, tranquilidad, y amabilidad.  Ahora que ya lo conozco, los jueves son días importantes para mí.  Este mercado me hace sentir alegre y en casa. 

 I spy beans, passion fruit, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, guisquil, cucumbers, mangoes, limes, and okra.  This farmer is from the outskirts of Sonsonate.  

  Here is everything I bought from last week’s market on my kitchen counter.  The smell of the guava was so divine.  It permeated our apartment all week long.

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